College Essay on Learning Disability
Learning disability applies to a series of difficulties that a child faces when performing certain mental activities. The typical occurrence of these problems is displayed while dealing with audio and visual information that includes numbers and letters, namely, reading, writing, listening or speaking (, 2008). However, the disease is characterized with concentration problems rather than with the lack of intelligence (KidsHealth, 2007). This type of disability refers to people as those with “complex needs” and is inherent to both children and adults (Blakemore, 2010), although I will discuss the part of the problem that concerns only the youth.
Let us now observe the matter more accurately. “Learning disabilities are neurological disorders that can make it difficult to acquire certain academic and social skills” (National Center for Learning Disabilities, 2010). People growing up with this type of disorder usually experience inconveniences with private and public governmental services including education, hospital treatment, security, etc. (Norman, 2010). But may there be a cause for this type of disability?
Children of different ages are exposed to different types of problems and disorders, although not each problem is a warning sign. The problem may be already observed at the age of four through five and examined according to the checklist of symptoms. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilties (2010), children from the early age and up to high school can be examined for a disability. The examination includes child’s oral and written language, reading, attention, ability to solve mathematical problems, as well as the observation of emotional state and motor skills. The causes for learning disabilities are not well identified, although there are some which are considered to be the most probably for this type of disorder. At first, disabilities are transmitted from parents to children, so heredity and genetics certainly play an important role. There is not much risk that a child will suffer from the learning disability if his or her family has never suffered (Kishiyama et al., 2009; KidsHealth, 2007). However, a child can obtain the disorder because of the mother’s way of life or her organism predilection. Any interference in the embryo development, either external or internal, may be the reason for anomalies in terms of pregnancy and lead to the aforementioned circumstances. At third, even after the birth, the child is also exposed to traumatism, which, in case the brain is damaged, becomes a precondition for the disability to develop. Finally, social condition and the way of life also provoke the risk. If parents do not treat the child properly in the first years of life, the disorder has all chances to occur. Kishiyama et al. (2009) mention that one of the most probable factors concerning this cause may be poverty. KidsHealth (2007) outlines nutrition as another reason.
Let’s get back to how the learning disability exhibits. Originally, it is not what some people see on the TV screens. “If it is learning disability, for example, cute people with Down syndrome are invariably tracked to their supported lair and given the Attenborough treatment” (McClimens, 2010). In fact, people with this type of disorder do not look different. That’s also the reason why parents cannot identify such a deviation on the early stages. The most obvious symptoms incorporate the impossibility to speak normally or deal with easy tasks when learning (KidsHealth, 2007). Sometimes the disability does not show up until the child is mature for more complex assignments. A child may fail to analyze his or her actions while managing them perfectly. This refers to verbal learning disabilities. With nonverbal ones, individuals may not be able to interpret their findings correctly.
As already discovered, learning disabilities may bother both children and adults. Based on this, the intervention methods are also different and usually depend on age and complexity of the disorder (LDAC.ACTA, 2010). It goes without saying that special treatment is obligatory for everyone who possesses such diagnosis. (2008) and the National Institute for Direct Instruction (2010) outline special education to be one of the most effective ways to deal with the disorder. The method is about evaluating child’s potential and designing the system of learning. The evaluation is based on student testing, which identifies children needing assistance. The advantage of such testing lies in the early disclosure of the symptoms that are inherent in disabilities. Then, a special teacher or tutor may be assigned for a child experiencing problems in learning. However, this method does not always prove to be efficient. After all, there are classes in some schools where teachers know how to cope with students possessing disabilities (KidsHealth, 2007). According to the National Institute for Direct Instruction (2010), the main intervention methods for coping with children disabilities in the classrooms include classroom adjustments and installment of special electronic devices and equipment. They try to recreate the ideal environment for the children to study. Some schools even have the facilities to keep special studying rooms where teachers lead the class of not more than five students on a regular basis.
Among other suggestions, one may find an advice to perform different types of therapies including the psychological one. Besides, some medical preparations appear to be useful to certain extent (, 2008; KidsHealth, 2007). The medicines are supposed to concentrate person’s attention through controlling impulses.
Other sources (Pointu, 2010; Blakemore, 2010; unknown 2010) emphasize on the role of a nurse and insist on the necessity of specialist care. Nurses should understand the meaning and the importance of the treatment that is provided. They are the contributors and guides in the areas of concern for each individual with a disability (Pointu, 2010). “A range of emotional and mental health supports are required that are individually tailored and available across the whole service delivery system” (unknown, 2010). Blakemore (2010) informs that finally the government proposes improvements of services for the disabled, although they will come into effect only if it possible to overcome discrimination and low level of expectations. Agnew (2010) also specifies the role of the community and its support to be of high importance. Dennison & Marshall (2010) describe the accessibility of technology that can be helpful for people. The services for those who suffer the disorder can include the release of the gadgets that provide better orientation for people within the environment. This mostly concerns households where technological advancement is highly integrated in the life of a person with a disability pursuing “the aim of helping people to be independent in their own homes” (Dennison & Marshall, 2010) and the satellite navigation, which can be useful in finding a way on the street. The aforementioned methods refer to all types of learning disabilities and are universal to certain extent.
It is said that there is no cure for a learning disability (KidsHealth, 2007). That’s why accommodations and modifications of common practices helping people with disabilities are highly welcomed. Human rights and the absence of discrimination are the main issues toward treating individuals with disorders (Parish, 2010; Laird, 2010; LD Online, 2008).
In whole, there exists no treatment that can be somewhat dangerous for a person with a disability or have some sort of side effects. Unfortunately, the disorder can remain more or less throughout the whole life of an individual, and that is the main concern for the patients, their families and the community. Not all methods are efficient and not all are suitable for each person. On the other hand, learning disabilities did not appear to be obstacles to some well-known personalities in science and show business. That’s why social acceptance of people with such type of disorders is a huge improvement toward coping with them.
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