Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Beauty in Art Essay

Essay on What is Beauty in Art?

Each person is an artist in his soul. We are all created to create something new and inspiring; something that will change us, and change the world, make it better and reveal its true sense and meaning.

Art is the meaning of communication from the person to the audience. People can use different mediums to say something, but they should do that skillfully. We usually judge works of art through our frame of reference which takes into consideration out educational and family background, nationality, religion, sex, and many other factors. It is hard for professional painters to judge other paintings not starting with the technical side of the work, style, brushwork. And the notion of beauty can be different as well. As if the painter says that the work is beautiful, he can emphasize on technical irreproachability, while the common person will not see the soul in it and for him it will just be a dull reflection of the subject.

Beauty in art is eternal, it stands the probation of time and nobody has any doubts regarding its present in the work of art, if it is truly there. But the question of beauty in art is very controversial and relative. Art, as it is the means of communication, should not be beautiful, it should reflect the idea of the artist, carry material for thinking or reveal artist’s creativity and new angle of view. Of course it is very simple to claim that works of art should inspire, make world better and gift spiritual enrichment. In reality art is very much connected with public relations and public opinions. It is all about authorities to decide what to be considered beautiful works of art. And people, in their majority, blindly watch through painting, nod, rubbing the chin and exclaim: “The new genius is born!” Critics sometimes tend to overestimate the importance of creativity and new approaches in art.

As an example what I consider to be the beautiful work of art, I would like to mention El Greco, “The Burial of the Count of Orgaz”(Image 1) and Ivan Shishkin, “Rain in an Oak Forest” (Image 2). Paintings are completely different, but are equally beautiful and genuine in their subject matter feeling, harmony or design and sense of color.

On the other hand when I look at Picasso’s “Girl Before a Mirror” and Warhol’s “The Last Supper”, I understand they do not match the traditional understanding of the beauty, relieve of lines and color choice. I don’t consider those pictures beautiful, but on the other hand they carry much more then a beauty to the viewers. In the Picasso’s work “the image of a woman confronting her mortality in a mirror, which reflects her as a death’s head. On the right, the mirror reflection suggests a supernatural x-ray of the girl’s soul, her future, her fate. Her face is darkened, her eyes are round and hollow, and her intensely feminine body is twisted and contorted. She seems older and more anxious”.

“The Last Supper”, according to Claudia Schmuckli, Curatorial Assistant of the Warhol’s Exhibition, with its advertising logos on the figures of the Apostles and Christ is revealing the meaning of sacred and profane, high art and commercial design.

I can agree or disagree, but this would change nothing. We are living in the epoch of transformation and new times will bring new geniuses of art. My only desire is that they be from God and not by-products of commercialization. 

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Compare and Contrast Essay Sample

Compare and Contrast Essay Sample

Purpose:  The purpose of essay writing is to compare and contrast traditional and modern ways of how children spend their pastimes. 
Audience: Audience is general.  The essay will be informative and descriptive in essence. It will be interesting to read for teenagers, teachers, parents and other groups of society despite of their age and parental status.
Thesis statement:  Today children tend to spend their pastime playing less active, more aggressive, and isolating games than ten years ago due to technological advances and availability of computers.
First point of comparison:  Level of activity in games (physical movements, sports vs. sitting in front of the computer)
Second point of comparison:  Level of aggressiveness in pastimes (team games vs. killing monsters on the screen)
Third point of comparison:  Effect on development (physical and social development vs. isolation and obesity).
As the society changes, the pastime choices of children tend to become different as well. The traditional games such as lotto are no longer of interest to technology-oriented children.  Modern kids are fascinated with the computer games and television shows. While there is nothing wrong with technological advances as they reveal the progress made by humankind in science and artificial intelligence, the past time of modern children makes them socially isolated, aggressive and obese. Today children tend to spend their pastime playing less active, more aggressive, and isolating games than ten years ago due to technological advances and availability of computers.
Games played by children only 20 years ago have been much more active.  Today children spend more time sitting in front of the computer instead of going for a walk or playing active games with family or friends.  The level of activity in games has much decreased. Even though schools motivate children to be active in sports, when kids come home they prefer playing a computer game, watching a television or doing something else what does not require any physical movement. When parents of modern children were kids themselves, they have been more involved in active pastime.  They spent time riding bicycles and playing sports in the backyard.  Computers were not found in every household 20 years ago and children’s games were much more active than today.
Secondly, modern children spend their time playing more aggressive games than kids only 20 years ago.  The exposure to violence through television and computer games contributes to high level of aggressiveness characterizing modern children.  A couple of decade ago, even the concept of friendship has been different. Parents controlled the pastime of their children more. Modern parents are not able to control the exposure to violence because television sets are present even in the kids’ rooms. Thus, the pastime of today’s children is more aggressive.  While their parents played team games in the childhood, their kids prefer killing monsters on the screen and watching cartoons full of violent scenes. As a result, the modern generation of children is crueler.  Instead of spending time with their friends playing sports or riding bicycles, modern children are more likely to form gangs and test their strength on smaller and weaker kids. Therefore, exposure to violence through pastime affects the formation of children’s personality negatively.
Finally, the pastime choices of modern children slow down their development.  Despite of the opinion that today’s children are smarter because they have computers, the truth is that 20 years ago kids were physically fit and socially active.  Today, on the contrary, children suffer from social isolation (because they do not spend time outside playing with other kids) and obesity (because they do not engage in sports and make less movements sitting in front of the computer). Thus, the inappropriate control of the pastime choices of modern children makes them victims of the technological progress.  The financial instability leads to the situations when parents cannot devote sufficient attention to their children. Rich families, on the other side, are likely to surround their kids with technology-based toys thus contributing to further social isolation.
In conclusion, the differences in pastime choices of modern kids and children 20 years ago are not in favor of the today’s young persons.  Addiction to computer games and uncontrollable exposure to violence makes modern children less active, aggressive, and suffering of social isolation. Only 20 years ago children were more active and friendly because they were playing team games and spend more time on the fresh air.  Computers were not available while parents controlled the programs watched by their children.  Modern parents do not pay sufficient attention to the quality of the pastime choices made by their children.  Buying a computer will not make a child happy because it may eventually lead to violent behavior and overweight. As the comparison reveals, lives of children 20 years ago were not dictated by technological advances while interaction with other children was valued.  Modern children, on the other side, are more aggressive and disrespect adults because their pastime is affected by monsters and violence they are exposed to everyday.

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University Admission Essay Example

University Admission Essay Example

Moving from place to place and leading a busy life full of business meetings and messages to follow up has always been enticing for me. Starting in early childhood I remember spending hours imagining myself all grownup wearing a stylish black suit and shiny shoes, entering big glass building situated in downtown New York or Chicago. I imagined myself busting through the busy streets of the city, trying to get a cab to drive to the hit-uptown restaurant, reviewed in all the best newspapers, to have business lunch with colleagues from Japan.

Obviously, inspired by such dreams I wanted to be skillful, well-known, independent, powerful and reliable. That is why I started to study business at Rutgers University. Studying at the university I felt that every day I would get closer and closer to the dreamy image of my childhood, though my experience felt somehow incomplete. That is why I decided to take a new path and apply to Babson Business School as a transfer student.

I have always been an adventurer by nature, interested in being challenged, visiting other lands and meeting people completely different from the ones around me. That is why I have always been fond of studying foreign languages. In high school I was honored to be one of a few students to be included in an exchange program. In the framework of this program I was supposed to go to Germany and spend one academic year studying there at a regular German school. Leaving family, friends, pets, home, everything I was so used to behind was not easy, in fact it was rather intricate. However, I knew that experience would be very beneficial for my future life and would also help me better appreciate the things I had at home.

Without a shadow of doubt, the first day of school in Germany was one of the most difficult as well as most exciting days of my life. The hardest moments of that day had been, of course, the ones when crossing the threshold of the school where everything seemed so outlandish and strange.  At first I also found it very difficult to speak up and express my ideas. In fact, the first couple of months I used to always hold back in class and with friends.

However, after some time I realized that such behavior could lead people to form a wrong opinion about me. That was the minute I knew changes had to be made, that was also a day when I read that Henry Ward Beecher once said, “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” The next day I came to school as a completely different person. I felt easy and confident, I showed people that I loved a challenge, and did not let even a hint of an opportunity to go unclaimed. That year was full of challenges and enjoyment, it was full of successes and failures. Though, that very first day when I came to school and was no longer afraid to speak up is the brightest memory I have from that thorny year.

Many years have passed since my experience of being an exchange student. Now, I am a person who goes for a thing he wants and gives it all he has. I would be honored to be admitted to Babson Business School and be part of the activities of this institution. I view my upcoming years at this school as an opportunity to further use the skills I acquired in my life and previous education and I am sure this school will take me one step closer to achieving my goals. I am certain it would, because “anything is possible at Babson”.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Where and How do College Students Get their News?

Essay: Where and How do College Students Get their News?

Students are arguably one of the most influential demographics in America today and have historically served as a force for change (Wireless News, 2008). With 13.6 million potential voters attending American colleges this year and a notable consumer power of $237 billion (Marketing Weekly News, 2008), this cross-segmented group and the ways its participants design their world perception is a source of great interest from several perspectives.

First, as current customers and voters the content of the media they consume affects their present decisions. Second, these students are expected for higher social mobilization than those who do not attend, and therefore their future spending and social influence would probably develop with time. The same holds true for other behavioural aspects, such as social attitudes, tastes and critical thinking about the world. 
This paper examines news consumption patterns of college students and tries to assess the influence of the news media they consume on the development of their preferences and values. The underlying idea is quite simple: by recognising the means and the methods students use to receive local, national and international information, it is possible for various scholars to evaluate the effectiveness of massages, improve advertising efficiency, etc.

It is clear, though, that news is not the only type of media we consume. Entertainment, social networks and E-learning are examples for important non-news types of media that plays a role in influencing its market. This research, however, is limited to news media at its various forms.

My main argument is that students have special characteristics that distinguish them from the general public, also in news consumption. In addition, students differ between themselves; as I discuss later, business students, for example, have different fields of interest and therefore consume different media of the same media differently (e.g., multitasking while watching TV). These differences must be defined, evaluated and implemented for both interest groups and the students themselves as critical thinkers.    

Discussion of Relevant Literature 
There is a strong link in the United States between education and political and civic participation (Lopez & Brown, 2006). Lopez & Brown (2006) have also reported opposite relations between college experience and TV news exposure; the more educated a person is, the less frequent he is exposed to TV news, although newspapers consumption does not differ materially, ranging around 26%. However, the dark side of their findings is that too many college students, perhaps the building block of tomorrow’s economy, are not exposed to news on a daily basis. In other words, they do not know what is going on around them. 

Nevertheless, some other findings, such as in Geronimo & McKnight (1999), do find TV as the primary source of information and give little weight to more “professional” or “educational” news sources such as Lexis-Nexis. Blaszczynski and James (2002) have also found TV as the primary source of news, but points out that more than one-third of students in their sample were getting their news online, a similar proportion for newspaper and radio combined. Not surprisingly, they have also found a greater exposure to media and news at all platform (television, newspapers, magazines, radio and internet) among students than the general public, although their media preferences (i.e., which platform they use) is quite parallel to the general public.      

So, who is the average American college student? As often happens in social sciences, it seems that the outcome of two studies will usually be three different opinions. Moreover, the advertising industry gives great incentives to the media to concentrate on its dynamic efficiency. The result is a high level on innovation in a fast-changing sector, which often makes it hard for scholars to measure its effectiveness, in particular when college students cannot be segmented as one body. News consumption patterns also vary as a response to significant events. Surveying accounting students’ news consumption, Blaszczynski and James (2002) have found an overwhelming 57% increase in these students’ interest in international news.

Although all my sources indicate that TV is still the leading source of news, its effectiveness in terms of conveying information is rather low. As a thorough investigation of media advertising suggests, 83% of college student a busy doing something else, or multitasking, while watching TV; 45% of students access the Internet (vs. 33% in 2002), 37% do homework (vs. 28%) and 36% talk on the phone while watching (Ebenkamp, 2005).

As mentioned earlier, news is being delivered today in rather innovative ways. The importance of online sources cannot be overestimated. In addition to almost infinite number of news websites, from international to local, sophisticated online tools have emerged, some of them are specifically designed for students and their fields of interest, which includes campus news and professor ratings. mtvU, for example, is a leading online college network that combines news at all levels, local events and entertainment. Launching first on 25 of America’s biggest campuses (Marketing Business Weekly, 2008), mtvU will presumably become a major supplier of news to strong students from major universities.   

Alternative sources are also rising. Using large LCD screens in high-traffic campus locations, HotNewz.TV provide news to nearly 30% of American students in more than 250 locations (Entertainment News Weekly, 2008).

Methodological Issues and Directions for the Future Research
This study intended to shed some light on the ways college students can generally receive their news. Due to its original scope, covering general preferences of more than 13 million Americans, a general approach was taken. Rather than presenting sound quantitative data, which is not only irrelevant to this population but also unattainable, I tried to build a portal to the matter, suggesting room for further evaluation of its specific elements.

First, empirical data is needed in regard to specific segments of this population. Segmenting them geographically is a good start, but it would be advisable to examine news preferences according to faculties, age groups, immigration background and other demographic characteristics.

Second, particular influences must be considered. As suggested by Ebenkamp (2005), it is highly possible that TV is a popular platform, but gives very little information due to students’ tendency to multitask. Another important factor is the means to increase students’ news exposure, which many will find it as too low for young scholars.

Third and most important, the means of delivery are a key issue. Attention span is decreasing, and journalists’ jobs today are bringing more information in less time. I am not so sure that newspapers should fill their pages with pictures, rather than summarize the news for the young reader, whose attention is limited and destructed by the very same platforms that should deliver news to him. 

Summary, Implications and Discussion
The consumer is a fast learner. Some would say the news penetration among adult population is rather low and by that a shallow society is being created in contemporary America. When the consumer’s preferences are still in development, as in the case of college students, it is compulsory to accurately measure and handle their exposure and critical evaluation of media and news, including, but not limited to, news which is directly relevant to their future profession. I have no doubt that some o this responsibility falls to the educational institutions’ hands, which take a major role in this learning process.

Further research should be much more specific in the future. Very little body of current research on the matter exists at the moment. Most of the research deals with advertisement, whereas it seems that too little interest is given for building a updated student in contemporary American colleges.      

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Essay on Muscle Cars

Essay on Muscle Cars

My Love for Muscle Cars
Muscle cars (aka “supercars”) represent a glamorous era in the history of automobile manufacturing. During their years of mass production, they offered a unique driving experience, introduced new technologies to consumers and served as status symbols and as cultural icons. Today there are muscle cars “fanatics”, who turned these cars and the ideas behind them to a hobby or even a central element of their lives. 

This paper will provide an overview on the main features of this type of cars, their technology and their influence on the industry and the auto market.   

Exploring the term “muscle cars”
A muscle car is a generic name for numerous high-performance models that were mainly manufactured during the 60s-70s. They all share several features. First, they are equipped with large engines, mostly V8 calibration. Second, muscle cars are bigger and heavier than sport cars and usually had a sedan body.
Another difference between sport and muscle cars is their price; muscle cars offered racing-style mechanical features at much more affordable price than sport and luxury cars, although the latter may share the technical features of a muscle car, such as the engine and the general shape

First models
Throughout the late 40s and early 50s, a new demand was created for performance and speed. The industry’s first response was the 1949 launch of the Oldsmobile Rocket 88 by General Motors. The main feature of the Rocket was a high-compression V8 engine with 135 horse power (hp), which GM also used in its Cadillac division the same year. The combination of strong engine and a light body was the foundation of a new trend on Detroit, and GM’s competitors quickly followed its lead. By 1955, Chrysler offered two models of that kind – the Hemi (whose production started in 1955) and, most importantly, the C-300, which offered no less than 300 hp on a V8 engine, more than a double than the Rocket.

Other car manufacturers joined the segment, introducing advancements in mechanics and design. Muscle cars gained great popularity, partially thanks due successful participation in NASCAR races. By the beginning of the 1960s, all major auto brands, such as Ford, Dodge and Pontiac offered muscle cars at the heart of their showrooms.

The category’s heroes
The consumers during the 50s, and also (although to a esser degree) during the 60s, were interested in big cars at all categories. Developers had to work hard the come up with stronger engines, not in order to increase power but merely to retain performance in the face of ever-growing weights. 

However, three masculine cars went away from the trend and became the reference model for most of the industry.

The Pontiac Tempest GTO, Plymouth Roadrunner and Ford Mustang started both as marketing experiments and became a hit and a cultural icon. These models were smaller in size and were also much lighter than other V8 models. During the second half of the 1960s Detroit shifted its focus to smaller categories. A subset of small muscle cars has swashed the market. These compact but powerful sedans were named “pony cars”.

Muscle cars appeared in films and popular music. Their drivers had an image of “I do things my way”. Muscle cars were also the stars of illegal racing. Although the official Detroit was against such races, the companies helped them indirectly by offering improvements and parts.

Muscle cars did not greatly influence the companies’ bottom lines. However, they had a major impact on the image of the companies and were a part of the 60s revolution.

The next decade, however, marked the end of the category. Higher fuel prices, government regulations and soaring inflation have led consumers to look for cheaper and more efficient cars. Compact and reliable cars were imported from the Far East and Europe, leaving the automotive industry in a fight for survival to this very day.

Muscle cars today
One must consider muscle cars in regard to baby-boomers. They were high school students during the golden days of muscle cars and now, at their late 50s, many of them collect and restore classic muscle cars models as a hobby which takes them back to their youth. On the opinion of many, well-preserved muscle cars are much more eye-catching than fancy modern models. Online communities and specialized businesses supports this phenomenon, which keeps a piece of American car history on the road.

In this paper, I tried to summarize the major features of this car category. Although their sales never dominated the American car market, muscle cars introduced design concepts that were the basis for most of the big-sized powerful models produced today.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Essay on Professional Nurse

Journey to Become a Professional Nurse Essay

There are many reasons why one may desire to get higher education. These reasons range from the ones of self identification and realization to the promise made to the family members. This decision is one of the most important decisions that one makes in his/her life because it influences not only the professional but overall future of a person. Lower I would like to present my reasons for choosing to receive a professional education as well as some barriers I have been faced with on the way to this decision.

To begin with, my family has the greatest influence over my education decision, this is due to the fact that most of my family members are nurses and doctors. Thus, since I was a little child, I was exposed to the advantages and hardships of this profession.  They never fail to inspire me with stories of how they finished their studies and were able to work on things they were really passion about--give care to others.
Additionally, I have always been keen on obtaining formal education due to the fact that such action for me means the personal achievement and self actualization.  I have started my Bachelor Degree back in Philippines, my home country, however I had to postpone it before I came the United States.  Today, this country offers me a great opportunity to obtain an Associate degree in nursing that is unavailable in my country.  Thus, it is my greatest desire to use this opportunity in the best possible way.

Naturally, this decision did not come to me easy because there were barriers on my way. To begin with, finding the time for school tends to be rather challenging in the middle of the work, family and other commitments. 

However, I overcame this hardship by learning the skills of effective time management. Another difficulty is that it is rather problematic to attend classes regularly, whether online or in-school, be able to learn the material and do well in class. However, I am ready to overcome this barrier by putting all of my efforts in this degree and working hard on completing the needed tasks.

In conclusion I would like to say that I am sure that my decision to become a professional nurse would be a very valuable experience for me and the surrounding people. It may seem rather grandiloquently but I hope that when I graduate from my studies and will start working I will be able to make this world a better place for people to live in.

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Article Review Sample

Article Review Sample

Forests determine the quality of the natural evolution on the earth. With forests being the critical elements of nature’s and human survival, they require the development and implementation of sound techniques that would restore natural forest habitats and will promote a balanced approach toward forestry and hunting. In its article, Science Daily (2007) provides a general review of the way computer technologies can be integrated into the frameworks for resolving various types of real-life problems. The new Vorest program has combined the benefits of computational geometry and computer science to resolve the major issues in the area of natural forestry.

In its recent article, Science Daily (2007) writes that “the Algorithm Engineering Group at the UPM’s School of Computing has developed, in conjunction with a forestry engineer from the University of Cordoba, a simulator modeling the evolution of a forest”. In other words, the new computer program was designed to model the process of trees and plants growth on the chosen territory. The article suggests that the newly designed program was excellent example of the way computational geometry could resolve numerous real-life issues.
The development and implementation of the new software was justified by the need to model tree development in specific environmental conditions; later the analysis and the results of modeling could be used to restore the most problematic biological systems. The fact is that “tree development within a forest largely depends on how much space they have both on the ground and in the air, around the treetops. Trees compete to dominate the space they need to develop, and this related these biological systems directly to Voronoi diagrams” (Science Daily, 2007). As with any other real-life model, mathematics and geometry have become the two relevant mechanisms for explaining, and finally, modeling tree growth in numerous types of natural environments.

Science Daily (2007) suggests that Vorest modeling framework links various elements of forestry management into one single ecosystem; furthermore, the model helps define the impact which space may cause on tree development. “This includes the space transfer dynamics between neighboring trees dictated by their life strategies, and the outcome in terms of tree growth and mortality” (Science Daily, 2007). The simulation process is based on the assumption that any tree usually grows within a limited space; this limited space is usually referred to as “influence region”. The size of the influence region varies, determining the quality and the pace of the specific tree growth. Although Vorest automatically calculates these influence regions, it also provides its users with an opportunity to model the region and the way tree growth should be simulated to achieve the anticipated growth results. As a result of complex information processing, Vorest produces the two distinct classes of visual information, with one appearing in the form of the Voronoi diagram, and the other “generating more or less detailed representation of what the trees could really be expected to look like in their natural environment” (Science Daily, 2007). Ultimately, users are free to modify soil appearance. With simple interface, users are not required any specific skills to use the new program.

Science Daily (2007) writes that programs similar to Vorest can be extremely useful for forestry engineers. Such programs help trace tree development through the prism of its separate elements (i.e., incorporation, growth, and death). Vorest is the only software currently available for modeling growth of individual trees. Vorest can be successfully used in timber production and forestry management. The program may help predict and evaluate the quality and the consequences of various types of human interventions within forests. Ultimately, the model can be used as the instrument of researching forest dynamics (Science Daily, 2007): “a forest growth model like Vorest describes the dynamics of the forest closely and precisely enough to meet the needs of forestry managers or forestry researchers” (Science Daily, 2007).

To the large extent, the development and implementation of such modeling software may substantially facilitate the quality of forestry managers’ interactions and help them achieve their basic objectives. Moreover, modeling helps makes appropriate choice and predict the patterns and outcomes of trees growth in specific environmental conditions and soils. The problem is that the article does not provide clear explanation as for the way this software should be used in practice. Researchers assert that the new modeling program is easy in use and does not require sophisticated IT skills. Simultaneously, we read that 3D digital mechanisms are the integral components of Vorest. What seems to be true is that the majority of forestry managers will have to learn additional computer skills to integrate the new software into their daily performance. Moreover, as Vorest intends to produce the two different visual models of data analysis, it is not really clear, whether these visual models will be convenient for use and will be understandable to forestry professionals. The article is not supported by any images and visual forms; as a result, we are unable to fully evaluate the quality, the benefits, and the possible drawbacks of the new software. Taking into account the complexity of forestry as such, and the need for restoring the larger portion of modern forest populations, it is very probable that the new modeling framework will need further improvements. If that is the case, these improvements will need to be closely monitored by forestry professionals.

Despite these visible inconsistencies, the article provides valuable information about the benefits of software, when used in forestry and related decision-making and management frameworks. Generally, any new modeling software is just another attempt to replace human decision-making approaches with those produced by a machine. In other terms, we strive for automatization of the critical decision-making processes, and anticipate that this automatization will release significant amount of time, which we will free to use for other professional purposes. In reality, decision-making software will never provide us with full freedom; moreover, such modeling software may facilitate our interactions with nature, but may also tie us to computers. We become more dependent on what we expect to see on the computer screen. Undoubtedly, the new modeling software will move forestry management to a new level of quality performance. Moreover, Vorest is expected to bring a new analytical vision into the most problematic forestry areas. With Vorest, managers are offered a new type of visual relationships with computers, where computers work to produce relevant analytical procedures, save time, and connect objects, factors, and environmental conditions in the way that benefits both the future forest and the forestry manager.

Unfortunately, the article lacks essential information, and to become more aware of the benefits of the new program, forestry managers will need to purchase a sample or order its demo version; the article is not very detailed regarding the mechanisms and principles that make Vorest work. Simultaneously, such detailed review would be more appropriate for any other kind of an IT journal; and in this context, Science Daily (2007) has completed its task perfectly well: to deliver critical scientific information that relates to an important management framework and does not overload its readers with professional details that may only be understandable to IT managers and IT specialists.

In its article, Science Daily (2007) provides a general observation of the way computers and computational geometry can be used in forestry management. The new Vorest software is just another example of the way software can be successfully integrated with different types of decision-making frameworks. What seems important is that the new modeling software will help forestry managers achieve their environmental and decision-making objectives, and will ultimately facilitate the process of uniting numerous environmental factors into one single ecological system.

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Personal Statement Essay Sample

Personal Statement Essay Sample

As a child I have often heard that a person is alive only if he/she is eager to change, learn and achieve. I have always agreed fully with the words of this saying and tried to make it the credo of my life. I was born in Asia, however later moved to the United States of America to continue my studies. Currently, my goals are in the short term to get the dietetic internship and then in the long term to become a registered dietician and help other people get rid of the terrible problem with the name “obesity”.

My goals have been formed both due to the personal and external reasons. To begin with, I have always been aware of the problems of obesity in other countries, although thought it would never come to mine. Though, it have, moreover, my father is one of the people suffering from this problem and I feel that it is my responsibility to get an education in the field that is necessary for my family and for other people in the country.

I consider that I possess the specific strengths to offer to both the internship program and the profession of dietetics. I have been prior involved with dietetics when working at Ohio State University Extension’s Family Nutrition Program. There I was responsible for doing the data entry and preparing the materials for nutrition education program. In addition, I wad a student production supervisor at on-campus dinning for supervised food production and prepared food. At the mentioned above position I completed such tasks as daily inventory record, new trainees supervision, promoting and implementing he healthy way of eating within students and member families.

It is my belief that I also possess the leadership characteristics needed for the internship as well as the position of a registered dietician. These characters have been acquired by me when working as an orientation leader at Ohio State University and at Dean College. Over the course of the above leadership practices I completed various tasks ranging from serving as a representative of Ohio State to guiding the new students through campus services, building locations, and university policies and procedures.

In my mind, the most valuable experience I have acquired in the field of dietetic was working in a Snack-Pass nutrition Service at Ohio State University Hospital and being a peer tutor for mathematics and nutrition classes at Dean College. When volunteering at a Snack-Pass Service I had to provide a patient with snacks suitable for his/her health conditions.  When volunteering as a peer tutor I did my best to clarify the questions my fellow students had about the field and pursued them not to only learn the information provided in the textbooks but also apply it in the every day life.

I have made it clear that I have a rich experience working in dietetics, however, certainly, I still have to learn many things. This is the reason why I am so motivated to be enrolled in the University of Michigan Health System. What I find remarkable about this program is that according to the statistics, around 80 percent of its graduates are employed in dietetics or enrolled in an advanced education program within a year following graduation.  Moreover, 100 percent of employers responding to surveys rank UMHHC DI program graduates at 3 or higher (on a 5-point scale) on the average mean of all attributes measured.
It would be my greatest pleasure to be accepted as a member of University of Michigan Health System program. I am an open-minded, fast-learning and friendly person, moreover, I am ready to work hard. If accepted, I would do my best to take an active part in the program and put the obtained knowledge into practice. 

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